07 October 2010

Tools to Speed Up Copy and Paste in Windows

Tera Copy
Tera copy the one of the best compact designed tool to copy or move your files in the hard disk at maximum possible speed.It makes your file copy work easier and fast while you can also pause or resume your transfer at anytime even if you find error during transfer then it will not terminating your whole transfer. You can use its demo version for home but if u want it for professional work then you can upgrade to its premium account

Copy hander
Copy hander is also the best tool which works in the same way as above stated. Copy Handler offers many advanced options such as task queuing, filtering files according to specific criteria, pausing and resuming copying files operations, changing the copying parameters on the fly.

Extreme copy
Extreme copy is the windows file copy tool which makes file copying very easy and fast. It normally increase your copy speed 20-20% faster then normal speed of your system. Its the best and easy to use tool to get files copy from one place to another in your hard disk and you can also pause or resume it anytime.